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You've probably heard the talk about the latest craze. A new system that helps you to lose weight.
Then comes the nay-sayers and cynics who say that latest fad diet just does not work. That it actually
does the opposite of losing weight. Or that it will harm your health. They'll even assert you to be
foolish for using "fad diets".
Here's a valid question. Are fad diets really useless? Writing from an editorial viewpoint I have to
disagree with the white coats who turn their noise up at fad diets. I think there is a reason that fad
diets take off and people swear by them. It's because they are seeing some kind of results.
If I'm doing something and I see results from it; physical evidence that suggests it is working for me I
have to stand up and say, "Yeah, this works!" The old phrase is if it ain't broken don't fix it.
Those who know better will say that the only way to lose weight is by a slow steady process that
involves a lot of work and 110% dedication. You have to eat, sleep and live the process that is painful
and slow. Well I have a reservation against that. It would seem to me that for most people, including
myself, that is something that isn't working for most of us.
If eating Campbell's soup out of the can for 7 straight days helps you to lose 10 lbs I'm gonna slap
you on the back and tell you your my hero. If eating the same type of foods at a certain time of the
day is making you look lean and slim that's good enough evidence for me.
Let me say this about fad diets. I do think that different things work for different people. What works
for you may not work for me and what works for me may not work for you. But if something works for
one person there is a strong probability that there is a large group of people that this "fad diet" is
going to work for. Let's not try to play the roll of spoiler and ruin it for everyone.
Thinking Outside of the Box
Here's something else that fad diets do. Thinking outside of the box. The corporate world loves that. I
think most of us do. A fad diet also gives you a method that you can principally subject your weight
loss life to. It's a bible that tells me what's right and what is wrong and why I have been wrong all of
these years.
For these reasons I don't think that fad diets are bad at all. Instead I think they point people into the
direction they want to head - weight loss.
Here's another recommendation I'll make. Weight Loss Beginners is a weight loss system that I am
hearing a lot of people are having fabulous success with. If you want to start losing weight today
check that site out.
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